Home Page of Stefan Banach

Home Page of Stefan Banach

selected web-sites with information on Stefan Banach or related to his works
  1. many publications of Stefan Banach are available on-line at the ICM Virtual Library of Science
  2. Stefan Banach International Mathematical Center
  3. Banach Center Publications: vol. 1 (1976) - vol. 11 (1983)
  4. Marek Kordos: The Scottish Book
  5. Stanisław Kosiedowski: Mój Lwów - Stefan Banach (My Lvov - Stefan Banach)
  6. Józef Kozielecki: Banach - geniusz ze Lwowa (Banach - a genius from Lvov) (Wydawnictwo Akademickie "Żak", Warszawa, 1999).
  7. MacTutor History of Mathematics >> Banach
  8. University of St. Andrews (Scotland) Database of Great Mathematicians >> Banach
  9. Mathematical Genealogy Project >> Stefan Banach
  10. Wikipedia >> Stefan Banach
  11. Encyclopaedia Britannica >> Stefan Banach
  12. Answers.com >> Stefan Banach
Please contact Emilia Jakimowicz or Adam Miranowicz if you find other comprehensive online resources on Stefan Banach.

File translated from TEX by TTHgold, version 4.00.
On 04 Jan 2012, 18:50.