Wortal Stefana Banacha

Wortal Stefana Banacha

Some aspects of the present theory of Banach spaces
Aleksander Pełczyński
in collaboration with Czesław Bessaga
published by the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences
(volume II, PWN, Warszawa 1979)
    Notation and terminology
    Chapter 1.
      § 1. Reflexive and weakly compactly generated Banach spaces. Related counterexamples
    Chapter II. Local properties of Banach spaces
      § 2. The Banach-Mazur distance and projection constants
      § 3. Local representability of Banach spaces
      § 4. The moduli of convexity and smoothness; super-reflexive Banach spaces. Unconditionally convergent series
    Chapter III. The approximation property and bases
      § 5. The approximation property
      § 6. The bounded approximation property
      § 7. Bases and their relation to the approximation property
      § 8. Unconditional bases
    Chapter IV.
      § 9. Characterizations of Hilbert spaces in the class of Banach spaces
    Chapter V. Classical Banach spaces
      § 10. The isometric theory of classical Banach spaces
      § 11. The isomorphic theory of 3Îp spaces
      § 12. The isomorphic structure of the spaces L"(u)
    Chapter VI.
      § 13. The topological structure of linear metric spaces
      § 14. Added in proof
    Additional bibliography
We deeply thank Prof. dr. hab. Aleksander Pełczyński for his permission to post his review on Banach spaces on this website. We also thank Prof. dr. hab. Stanisław Janeczko, the Head of the Mathematical Institute of Polish Academy of Sciences, for his permission to include the article published by the Mathematical Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences on this website.

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Emilia Jakimowicz i Adam Miranowicz

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